IOTA Bio Art Kitchen Series – 2020-2022

a banner of eight event posters, each showing a headshot of an artist or curator with a dramatic turquoise & deep purple filter. Not all text is listed in this image description, but each poster is for a Virtual Bio Art Kitchen Hangout hosted by IOTA Institute & INCUBATOR Art Lab

IOTA Institute and the Incubator Art Lab present the Bio Art Hangout Kitchen Series; a virtual hangout with an invited bio artist or scientist, who will perform an art/sci protocol, performance or show and tell.
These events feature a 60-minute Zoom Hangout, this series focuses on knowledge-sharing and engaging bio art enthusiasts with bio art actions you can do in your own homes.

Jennifer Willet

On November 10, 2022, IOTA Institute & INCUBATOR Art Lab present the sixth Bio Art Kitchen Hangout, “7 Tips for Designing a Bioart Exhibition,” featureing bio artist Jennifer Willet as she tunes in from Windsor, Ontario. 

Event poster featuring headshot of white woman with grey hair, wearing a fitted black & white blazer, with arms crossed, gently smiling at the camera. There is a dramatic turquoise & dark purple filter on her image and the whole poster. White & blue text wraps around her image saying: "7 Tips for Designing a Bioart Exhibition! / Livestream Bio Art Kitchen Hangout with Jennifer Willet / Tuesday 10 Nov 2022 / 5:00pm EST / 6:00pm ADT / 22:00 WEST / Watch the livestream on Youtube or RSVP to the Zoom viewing party for a live Q&A with Jennifer Willet. Link in bio" Below are logos for Youtube, IOTA, Incubator Art Lab, and FEMeeting.

Dion Kaszas

On October 20th, 2021, IOTA Institute and INCUBATOR Art Lab will livestream a tattoo demonstration with Dion Kaszas on IOTA’s Youtube channel on Oct 20th. As the fifth online event in our Bio Art Kitchen Hangout series, Dion Kaszas will be tattooing Ecko Aleck live from Secwepemc territory.

Marta de Menezes

On May 6th, 2021, IOTA Institute and INCUBATOR Art Lab livestreamed a card game with bio artist Marta de Menezes on IOTA’s Facebook & Youtube channel on May 6. Marta de Menezes mailed a custom deck of cards to five players around the world for a first bio art card game.

Marc Dusseiller Lab Tour and Talk

On April 1st, 2021,  IOTA Institute and INCUBATOR Art Lab hosted a livestream conversation with Marc Dusseiller on IOTA’s youtube channel. Together we toured Hackteria’s lab in the hackerspace Bitwäscherei in Zurich, Switzerland, and learn about how they create digital and real-life lab spaces. Marc Dusseiller discussed hacker networks, citizen science, and DIY approaches to sharing open source biological art. 

Marc Dusseiller and Hackteria

#3  On December 29th, 2020, IOTA Institute and the INCUBATOR Art Lab livestreamed from Hackteria’s online world! 

We joined Marc Dusseiller and the Hackteria network in their 2D retro-game style world for talks and performances during rC3 – Remote Chaos Experience. Together we visited the gamified recreation of their real-life hackerspace “Bitwäscherei” in Zurich, Switzerland, as they gather online with a global network of hackers for rC3 – Remote Chaos Experience.

Jens Hauser

#2  On November 3rd, 2020 participated in “White Cube, Black Box, Greenhouse,” featuring curator and scholar Jens Hauser as he tunes in from Paris, France to discuss curating art with biomedia, from the allegedly neutral white cubes and black boxes to greenhouses, while giving a tour of his personal collection of bio art artifacts.

Ionat Zurr and Oron Catts

#1 On October 3rd, 2020, we met Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr @symbiotica.lab as they tuned in from Perth, Australia for a Bio Art Kitchen Hangout. Together at happy hour, we raised a DNA cocktail, share compost stories, and discuss DNA chauvinism and feminist aspects of incubation.


Jennifer Willet

Co-host, Artist, Speaker

Dr. Jennifer Willet, Director of INCUBATOR Lab, and Associate Professor in the School of Creative Arts, at the University of Windsor (Canada) is an interdisciplinary artist and curator working in art and technology, bioart and social practice genres.

Dion Kaszas

Artist, Speaker

He works in the artistic mediums of oil, watercolour, graphite, mixed media collage and video.

Marta Menezes

Artist, Speaker

Marta de Menezes is a Portuguese artist (b. Lisbon, 1975) with a degree in Fine Arts by the University in Lisbon, a MSt in History of Art and Visual Culture by the University of Oxford, and a PhD candidate at the University of Leiden. She has been exploring the intersection between Art and Biology,... Read More


Platform, Resource

As a community platform hackteria tries to encourage the collaboration of scientists, hackers and artists to combine their experitise, write critical and theoretical reflections, share simple instructions to work with lifescience technologies and cooperate on the organization of workshops, temporary labs, hack-sprints and meetings.

Marc Dusseiller

Artist, Speaker, Scientist

Dr. Marc R. Dusseiller is a transdisciplinary scholar, lecturer for micro- and nanotechnology, cultural facilitator and artist.

Jens Hauser

Curator, Speaker

Jens Hauser is a Copenhagen and Paris based media studies scholar and art curator focusing on the interactions between art and technology, trans-genre and hybrid aesthetics.

Oron Catts

Artist, Speaker

Catts is the Co-Founder and Director of SymbioticA: the Centre of Excellence in Biological Arts, School of Human Sciences at the University of Western Australia (UWA) and was a Professor of Contestable Design at the Royal College for the Arts UK.

Ionat Zurr

Artist, Speaker

Dr Ionat Zurr is the Chair of the Fine Arts Discipline at the School of Design UWA and SymbioticA’s academic co-ordinator

The Incubator Art Lab

Platform, Resource

A studio/lab to facilitate ongoing bioart research and production for INCUBATOR art lab members at The University of Windsor