What’s Happening


FEMeeting Exhibition: Elegy for a Cell

Plural Contemporary Art Fair

Art Toronto

Jennifer Willet “When Microbes Dream” at i3S

Jennifer Willet @ the IOTA Institute Bio Art Kitchen Hangout


Dion Kaszas joins IOTA for research in Nlaka’pamux cultural tattoo and Bio Art

IOTA Institute is honored to be working with artist and researcher Dion Kaszas in 2020 through our curatorial Bio Art project. Dion Kaszas is an Nlaka’pamux cultural tattoo practitioner and a leader in the revival of Indigenous tattooing in Canada. His area of research is Indigenous tattooing, focusing keenly on the revival of Indigenous peoples tattooing practices

Bio Art Series: The Recap

Throughout May, IOTA hosted a series of free public exhibitions, events and installations in Halifax, NS.

Whether it’s creating microbial art using yeast, or engaging with a full-body exoskeleton, Bio Art is a practice that transcends the fields of visual art, media art, and science – applied, social and political. This continuously evolving practice also tests (and sometimes breaks) the boundaries of these fields.

Get Curious About Bio Art

IOTA is hosting a series of FREE public events and installations featuring Bio Art in Halifax, NS. Immerse your senses in this transcendent discipline through a series of free talks, workshops, and exhibitions designed to bring Bio Art into public and accessible forums.

The Earthline Tattoo Collective

Introducing the cultural tattoo practitioners and visual artists that make up Earthline Tattoo Collective, Jordan Bennett, Amberley John, Dion Kaszas, Amy Malbeuf and the 2019 Programs Coordinator Audie Murray.

The 2019 Earthline Tattoo School Guest Mentors!

To guide them on their journey in (re)learning the cultural practice of Indigenous tattooing the 2019 Earthline Tattoo School participants will be working with inspiring guest mentors, Jerry Evans, Julie Paama-Pengally, Nakkita Trimble and Nahaan.