Stacey Fayant works in various mediums including wool, fabric, beading and painting. She was born and raised in Regina, Saskatchewan and has Métis, Cree, Saulteaux and French roots
She received a Bachelor of Fine Art in Printmaking and Painting and a Bachelor of Art in Women’s Studies from the University of Regina, in 2002 and 2004. Stacey currently serves as Chair of the Board for Sâkêwêwak Artist Collective. She is a self-taught milliner and creates other art pieces that are sold locally and internationally. She is currently working on a large scale project that explores identity, history keeping, and how those ideas can create or destroy comfort.
Having utilized body modification as self-therapy Stacey became interested in how personal aesthetics relate to identity and self-valuation. She then became aware of tattooing traditions practiced in North America and she felt a pull to learn more and become involved in helping reinvigorate Indigenous tattooing.
Stacey can be found @staceyfayant.