i3S: Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde (Institute for Research and Innovation in Health) is a transdisciplinary institution based in Porto, Portugal dedicated to research and innovation in Health Sciences. Being a major infrastructure in the region, i3S belongs to a robust network of EU bioart professionals (curators, artists, scientists, bioart laboratories, public institutions). A research institute at its core, i3S delves into the arts and other cultural activities. i3S Director Maria Lopes is assistant Director of two residency programs: ‘artists in Labs’ Ectopia (Lisbon) and Cultivamos Cultura, an ecological oriented residency program in a farm in Alentejo. One of the i3S Communication Unit goals is to acknowledge science as embedded in/part of culture and to bring science closer to society and to integrate the arts in the forms of residencies, exhibitions, conversations, workshops is considered a priority.